A grid of points that expand to move away from the mouse position.. Link to source files.

let inertia = 0.9;
let k = 0.04;
let wind = 0;
let oldmouse;
let finalwind = 0;
let xp = 1;
let yp = 1;

let origX = [];
let origY = [];
let coordinatesX = [];
let coordinatesY = [];
let CR = [];
let colorG = [];
let colorB = [];
let gridnumX = 28;
let gridnumY = 12;

let xspace = 50;
let yspace = 50;

let framecount = 0;

function setup() {
  for (var x = 0; x < gridnumX; x++) {
    coordinatesX[x] = []; // create nested array
    coordinatesY[x] = []; 
    origX[x] = [];
    origY[x] = [];
    for (var y = 0; y < gridnumY; y++) {
      coordinatesX[x][y] = x * xspace-200;
      coordinatesY[x][y] = y * yspace-200;
      origX[x][y] = x * xspace-200;
      origY[x][y] = y * xspace-200;
      append(CR,color(random(255), random(255), random(255)));

function draw() {
  for (let x = 0; x < gridnumX; x++) {
    for (let y = 0; y < gridnumY; y++) {
      if(framecount > 10){
      var distx = (origX[x][y] - mouseX);
	    let disty = (origY[x][y] - mouseY);
	    let distance = sqrt((distx * distx) + (disty * disty));
	    let radius = distance + (300 - distance)/1.5;
	    if(radius < distance){
		    radius = distance;
	    let newx = 0;
	    let newy = 0;
	    let theta = 0;
	    if(disty != 0 && distx != 0){
	      theta = atan(disty/distx);
	    if(distx < 0){
		    newx = mouseX - radius * cos(theta);
		    newy = mouseY - radius * sin(theta);
		    newx = mouseX + radius * cos(theta);
		    newy = mouseY + radius * sin(theta);
	    let posx = newx;
	    let posy = newy;
	    let x1 = -1 * coordinatesX[x][y] + posx;
	    let y1 = -1 * coordinatesY[x][y] + posy;
	    xp = xp * inertia + x1*k ;
	    yp = yp * inertia + y1*k ;
	    coordinatesX[x][y] += xp ;
	    coordinatesY[x][y] += yp ;
      ellipse(coordinatesX[x][y], coordinatesY[x][y] , 5, 5);
  var ccount = 0;
  for (let x = 0; x < gridnumX-1; x++) {
    for (let y = 0; y < gridnumY-1; y++) {