Line segments that rotate based on mouse movement. Each segment compounds its p[argents rotation producing a “curl.” Each blade has an original goal rotation it moves back to elastically when there is no mouse movement. Link to source files.

https://editor.p5let inertia = 0.9;
let k = 0.02;
let wind = 0;
let oldmouse;
let finalwind = 0;
let xp = 1;

let oldacc;

let grasslimit = 400;
let stemlimit = 18;
let grassX = [];
let grassS = [];
let rigidness = [];
let Gcolor = [];
let origrot= [];

let gcount = 11;
let gnum = 0;
let mrot = 0;

let rotlist = [];

function setup() {
  oldmouse = mouseX;
  oldacc = accelerationX;
  for(var i = 0; i < stemlimit; i++){
    rotlist[i] = 0;

function draw() {
  if(gcount > 10){
    if(gnum < grasslimit){
      gcount = 0;
  wind = -1*finalwind + mouseX + (accelerationX*10);
  xp = xp * inertia + wind*k ;
  finalwind += xp ;
  if((finalwind < 0.0003) && (finalwind > -0.0003)){
		finalwind = 0;
  mrot = (mouseX + (accelerationX*10) - finalwind )/20;
  inertia = 0.9 - (mouseY/windowHeight);
  oldmouse = mouseX;
  oldacc = accelerationX;
  let revc = stemlimit - 1;
  for(let i = 0; i < stemlimit - 1; i++){
    rotlist[revc] = rotlist[revc-1];
    revc = revc - 1;
  rotlist[0] = mrot;
  for (let i = 0; i < grassX.length; i++) {
    let xpos = grassX[i];
    let ypos = windowHeight;
    let sizec = 100;
    let stw = 5;
    let rot = 270;
    for (let j = 0; j < grassS[i]; j++) {
      let nrot = rotlist[j] * rigidness[i];
      rot = rot + nrot + origrot[i];
      let newx = xpos + sizec * cos(radians(rot));
      let newy = ypos + sizec * sin(radians(rot));
      ypos = newy;
      xpos = newx;

      nrot = nrot *1.1;
      sizec = sizec * 0.90;
      stw = stw * 0.90;
    if(grassS[i] < 18){
      grassS[i] = 18;

function createGrass(){
  append(rigidness, random() * 0.4 + 0.6);
  append(Gcolor, color(random(255), random(255),random(255)));
  append(origrot, random(-5,5));